
Public libraries, town halls & government offices

Library halls, police stations, fire stations & other municipal buildings are a diverse group of buildings, that each require multiple machines that can handle different flooring, walls, desks and more. Public and government buildings are the foundation of where people gather for certain information, and are definitely considered high-traffic areas. To keep every facility as clean as possible, we recommend using a wide selection of i-range products.

Multiple facilities, one cleaning system i-team Global offers a diverse product line ranging from auto scrubbers, to vacuum cleaners, microfibre clothes, and even window washing equipment. Contact us!


The revolutionary i-power concept standardizes our machines with the same cordless power source. We started with the i-mop XL, and are now expanding the concept to our new product line. You are no longer bound to an outlet, and have freedom of movement with your cleaning equipment in any facility and over any distance. Wherever, whenever.

Cordless cleaning with the same batteries We are able to power high quality auto scrubbers, gum removers, grout cleaners and vacuum cleaners with our advanced li-ion batteries. Learn more

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Reduce travel time across large buildings with the i-land XXL, which accommodates your mechanical cleaning equipment & hand tools on the same cart. Travel with all of your i-fiber equipment, i-mop XL, i-light & i-charger and even your own electronic tablet to every location within the premises. Everything you need to clean corridors, elevators, kitchens, meeting rooms & more. For any special government buildings, the always trustworthy i-mop XL is a powerhouse machine that gets the job done.